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Diet when TTC

The plans for trying for a daughter are well on the way. This week I have been looking at diet!

According to various research studies you can alter the Ph of your CM to encourage either male or female sperm once they have, ahem, arrived... More acidic CM is better for your chances of catching with a girl, alkaline cm will encourage boy sperm.

And the best bit? You can do this and still eat a HEALTHY diet! YAY!

So... according to the sites I've listed below if I want to up my chances of my fourth and final baby being a girl I need to include these in my diet:

  • Fruit juice
  • Grains
  • Pasta
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Chicken
  • Shellfish
  • White Bread
  • Tea & Coffee
  • Pickles
  • Citrus Fruits

And avoid things like:

  • Bananas
  • Potatoes
It's a shame that there seems to be some disagreement over broccoli, spinach and almonds because I like all of those things. Some sites say they are good for a girl, some say they are good for a boy! But since broccoli is high in folic acid I'll keep on eating it.

I still have a way to go before we start TTC this time round. I start my 2nd packet of the pill on Monday (1 down, 2 to go). Plenty of time to adjust my diet without causing any problems to me or my family. I like that it's coming up to summer soon when we tend to eat more grains and pasta than potatoes anyway, and citrus fruits become that bit more appealing when it's sunny so I should be able to swap the boy-enhancing apples and bananas for girl-friendly oranges and grapefruit without any grumbles (I'll still get them in for the kids lunches, just not so many).

It would be AWESOME if I could get a girl just by changing what I eat! (well, ok, not JUST but you get what I mean)

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