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Ooooh my! A Versatile Blogger Award!

Versatile Blogger Award

Rules for the Versatile Blogger Award

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and include a link to their site.
  • Share 8 random facts about you
  • Add The Versatile Blogger Award picture to your blog post.
  • Nominate 8 fellow bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly and include a link to their site.
  • Let them know you have nominated them.

Wow! I need to say a massive thanks to The Whimsical Peacock for this lovely Versatile Blogger Award! I' thrilled to bits! Make sure you click on the linky and visit :0D

So, 8 random facts about me?

  1. I like to eat Nutella out of the jar with a spoon 
  2. I'm wearing mis-matched pyjamas this morning, for no good reason
  3. I check my Facebook & Google+ messages before getting out of bed in the morning
  4. I don't reply to those messages till after breakfast (in case my half sleeping brain has me say something REALLY stupid)
  5. I'm really looking forward to making pizza with my eldest this afternoon
  6. I just made my middle lad's day by telling him we can make "strawberry pies" (jam tarts) too
  7. I can't wait till my youngest is old enough to join in with cooking
  8. I'm lousy at "random facts"!!

This bit was SOOOO difficult! I read so many fantastic blogs, and I don't want to use the same people I listed for a Liebster because I think it's only fair to share the love around (but you can go and have a look at them too if you like, all well worth it).

And my nominees are (in no order):

  1. Super Mom Aspirations and Tangerine Dreams
  2. Bacon Rolls to Plastic Dolls
  3. Dysfunctions Junction
  4. Mints in my Mothers Purse
  5. Life with 3 Boy's there's never a dull moment!
  6. Undiagnosed But Okay
  7. Cropped Stories
  8. You Just Can't Google Everything


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