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A day in my life

You know how you fall in to certain routines? Well this is me on a non-work day when my hubby is out at work.

6.30am the alarm goes off. It's time for me to take my basal body temp, my pill (but only for 5 more weeks!) my folic acid & cranberry supplement. However, the kids have usually got up at least once by now and been sent back to bed because it's TOO FLIPPIN EARLY!

7am Finally allow the kids to get up - unless they have driven us crackers already and been allowed to go down & put kids telly on while we lay in bed in a state of shock having been leapt on by the biggest two.
Hubby changes Tom out of his bedtime nappy-pants and encourages him to use his the potty before breakfast, I change Georgie's nappy, and then it's breakfast time. Any random combination of cereal, toast and fruit.

8am Time to get Jack to sort himself out for school. So glad he's 5 now and can be trusted to wash and dress himself sensibly! Most of the time. When he's not dancing around the bathroom naked. Hubby sorts clothes out for Tom & George and I go to sort out some laundry, empty & re-stack the dishwasher, and make Jack's packed lunch. One of us will sit with Jack and have another look at the previous days reading book and comment in his reading record for school.

8.45am Off on the school run! Jack likes to take his scooter, I like the chance to talk to the other mums, and love the nice quiet walk back home. It all takes about half an hour.

10am is activity time! Going shopping is Tom's favourite activity. The kids choose what to get from the butchers, find the right veggies & fruit in the supermarket, work out how to use the Self Checkout, how much money we can spend etc. Or we stay home and read millions of books, play with building blocks, play dough, colouring etc.

12pm Lunch! Followed by NAP TIME!

1pm --- MY TIME! --- Just for half an hour or so. Either they are both asleep or I have given Tom something he can do quietly on his own, like pay with this LeapPad2 or my phone. I can check all my social networks, maybe write a quick blog post. But it doesn't last long.... I've got more laundry to do, and the dishwasher seems to need sorting out again too.

2pm Start preparing dinner so that it can be ready quickly once everyone is home. One of the worst things I have to deal with on a daily basis is cooking with a hungry house full! George clings to the baby gate and screams, Tom & Jack are constantly "what can I have?!" and Hubby just walks in and starts foraging while I'm actually DISHING UP! So I like to get most of it done early and in peace. Tom usually "helps". Then it's time to fetch Georgie from his nap and have a bit of a play together before the school run.

3pm Set off for Jack!

3.30pm We're home and waiting for Daddy. Dinner is cooking, Jack is out of his school uniform and already reading through his latest school book before pestering to have his DS or the Wii on or play outside on his scooter. What ever he's doing Tom wants to do. And Georgie wants to watch.

4.30pm Hubby gets home and keeps an eye on the kids while I finish up making Dinner, do yet more laundry, and yet more dishwasher stacking (it never ends!).

5pm We're having dinner!

6pm. Wind down time. The kids get into their pyjamas and tidy up their books, games & toys. We listen to Jack reading his book, read some books with all the kids, or watch the Bed Time Hour together, or find something soothing on Netflix, give them a bath if it's their bath night (they are on rotation, otherwise we'd be bathing them till midnight every night).

7pm. Official bed time! But it always takes longer "5 more mins Mum", "just read this first Dad" etc etc. And then there's teeth brushing, face & hand washing, making sure Jack's been to the loo before bed, encouraging Tom to do the same, and George's breastfeed. Sometimes I take them to bed, sometimes Hubby does.

7.30pm Actual bedtime. Bedtime story and BED for the kids. Yay!

8pm - 10pm TOTAL PARENT CHILL OUT TIME! Our stuff on the telly, feet up, NO CHORES! And then, because we simply can't keep out eyes open any longer.... bed! Ready to do it all again tomorrow!


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