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Count down to trying for baby 4: Clutter!

Eeeeek! Only 5 weeks if the pill left!

You know, as I'm sat here near the end if the day (as far as the kids are concerned), looking at the crazy mess they have made and the tiny amount of space we have, I find my self thinking about chucking a lot of stuff out! And getting better storage for the stuff we have. Not more storage because I've run out of room to PUT more storage. Better stuff. No idea what though.

And what exactly to I get rid off? With plans for another baby next year there's no point getting rid of baby stuff we will only wind up buying again! And everything the boys have comes in handy for the younger boys. They all play with everything...! Cars, trains, super heros, knights, building blocks, books, colouring and crafting stuff.... There's tons of it but it all gets used!

I feel like I am drowning in toys and books and kids clothes. There is barely a surface in the house which isn't cluttered, or a floor that's free of debris, or a door handle that isn't being used as a handing rail. Every chair has stuff piled on the back of it.

I feel a bit like Waynetta Slob by the end of the day, with my hair and clothes a mess and my energy at minus five. At least I can say there isn't a thick fog of cig smoke or mountains of discarded beer cans. That's one thing in our favour.

(not actually me or the hubby!)
It's not put me off having another baby, but I do find myself looking forward to the day we CAN start ditching stuff we won't use again. Although there will be tears shed when it comes to things we've had since Jack was a baby and they've all used them.


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