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First Gi

Awwww....! Look at him! It's he cute?

Hahaha, he'll hate me for that when he's older. But I can't help it, he's my biggest little man and I adore him.

In case you haven't guessed already, this is our Big Lad Jack in his brand new Gi. His first one. It's a tad on the big side but his Sensei said he could just roll them up for now. It's supposed to do him till he's about 10yo I think. I really hope he's still into Jujitsu when he's ten.

He's been taking lesson after school with activ8 for the last few months and seems to be really enjoying it. He's always excited on Tuesdays because that's Jujitsu day. He comes bouncing out after his lesson and is grinning from ear to ear every week.

He couldn't wait to get home and try his Gi on to show his dad and brothers. After I took his photo he wanted to keep it on, but the thought of spilling anything down it had him whipping it off and asking me to put it away tidy for him :D Shortly after I heard him saying to Tom that when he was older and in school like him, he could do Jujitsu with him and wear a Gi too. Tom looked awestruck!

Next month Jack goes for his first Grading. He's totally relaxed about it, I'm the nervous one! You can bet there'll be a post about that!

The people from Activ8 are fab. I highly recommend them. They're only quite local (or so I believe) but if you are in the UK and around the Preston - Lancaster area give them I look.


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