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I don't hate Mondays!

I really don't. I quite like them.

By Monday I'm glad to see the back of my little Angels for just a few hours after they have driven me crackers all weekend. Within half an hour of being parted from them I miss them like crazy it's true... but weekends can be hard with my lot since there is such an ability gap between my 5yo and my 1yo. Finding something suitable and affordable for us all, which also holds their attention for longer than 30 seconds... not easy!

Monday means SCHOOL for my eldest! He loves school, school loves him. From September it will mean proper nursery for our 3yo too (not just once a week). They are always bursting to go and learn, see their friends, play games, and be away from home for a bit (same as me I guess).

Monday also means work for me. And I like my job! Honestly I do! The folk in my office are lovely, I have a role there that I like and seem to be quite good at too. There's nothing very stressy about it. It's peaceful (compared to home), there's always a cup of tea and some biscuits to be had, no one follows you too the loo and shouts "mummy mummy mummy" though the door, no one paws at you with sticky hand, or disconnects the phoneline when you're on an important call...... FAB!

Monday is also Quick Tea day! Mainly because I cook when I get in from work about 5.30pm and - as much as I like my job - I'm usually too tired to making anything fancy. So it'll be sausages, or fish fingers, or (if I've been uber organised over the weekend and cooked an extra meal) a lasagne or pasta bake. Sometimes I just say "the hell with it!" and pick up Fish & Chips on the way home!

So I ask you, what's NOT to like about Mondays?

Or am I alone on this one :0\


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