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New Things!

It's been a day of New Things today!

After the initial morning panic of one extra child, my lost glasses, and confusion of my eldest over why they just had a day off school but were back in for one day before the weekend.... I finally got off to work.

When I arrive the MD calls me to his office. They are very impressed with the work I have done in credit control (reduction of bad debt by 92% in under 6 months) and want to give me more responsibility! So along side CC I am taking on a Sales Role, which meant a big chunk of my day taken up with how to work out & write quotes, and once I'm settled in to that I've to "take control" of the Window Cleaning Division too! Eep! I'm thrilled, but had to remind him that I'm only part time and planning another baby. He thinks I can cope. I hope he's right!

And then all the Internet dropped out. So we had to work using the new Dongles which is just sooo slow, and the IT guy "improved" the webmail so we lost that for a while too and now it's back its totally new and/or different....... We're still trying to wirk it all out. By 10 past home time (and still at work) I decided that cooking dinner was out. I called hubby "Order Pizza I'll be on my way soon"

When I arrived home 3 small boys hurled them selves at me wrapped their arms round me, and loved me like I'd been away for a year! "How nice! It's lovely coming home to this!" I say to hubby. He laughs, "I told them you were ordering pizza!"

I don't care, it's still nice to come home to. And then I see the days post.... Assorted Jiffy bags and envalopes with stuff in to review! New Shiny Stuff! Yay!


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