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I should have known. I should have put a nappy on him today. But you want to encourage your kids to be grown up and not upset them by treating the like babies when it's not necessary. But you should also always follow your gut with your kids.

This morning Tom looked like he hadn't slept a wink all night, although he must have done because of all our kids it's number two son who wakes up in the night frequently, and cries to you can't not know he's awake. It's nursery day today and we dressed him like normal, stuck spare undies and jeans in his bag because he isn't quite 100% toilet trained yet, and took him down as normal. I got no phone calls from them or anything, but when I wen to pick him up this afternoon he wasn't in either pair of jeans I sent. In fact when I got there he was asleep! He'd been asleep for over 2 hours!

The lady who looks after him (his key worker) handed over my groggy little boy and said that he had in fact had two sets of wet pants. I couldn't help but notice a certain pong about him too.... I peaked inside his jeans and sure enough there was a little brown present in there too. Oh joy! Good job we only live 5mins from home. I got him back, sent Jack to get changed out of his uniform and put Georgie down for a nap, thinking that once the other two were out of the way I could focus on cleaning Tom up. I was out of the room for two minutes and I heard Jack calling "Tom has poo on his socks!!!!" He'd wet himself while I was upstairs and that had washed poo all down his leg!

I took him up to the bathroom, stood him in the tub fully dressed, stripped him off, used the shower head to rinse his undies off into the loo, bundled the whole lot up, and showered him off. We'd had a letter about nits too so after washing him down I checked his hair with conditioner and the nit comb. Thankfully free of bugs!

He hates the shower. He cried the whole time. I got him dry and into his pyjamas and brought him back down stairs. He didnt want a nappy on, and I am trusting him to get to his potty (right next to him) if he needs it. But he looks soooo poorly! And so so tired. He says he has a tummy ache too. I just don't know what to do with him. It's not a runny bum, but I'm sure he's poorly. I know he's still not quite there with toilet training but this last few days he's been much worse with wet pants every day for about 4 days in a row. Part of me wants to put him back in a nappy but he doesn't want it and I'm worried it'll set him back even further. He starts big nursery in September and he's supposed to be clean and dry for that. I don't know what to do for the best. Will carrying on as we are with pants and accidents upset him and put him off trying? Will putting him in nappies set him back? I guess we'll have to just go with the flow but its so hard to know what to do!


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