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Our Summer Bucket List!

A way back I saw a few people is the US and Canada posting up "Summer Bucket Lists" (such as Jessica Scott) and I thought that it was a brilliant idea! As a family we are guilty of not doing as much as we could or should. I am the one full of big ideas, Hubby is the one who "ums" and "ahhs" about stuff until it's too late and it's all passed us by. Last summer - the first School Summer Holidays we had as our eldest moved up from nursery to reception - was a bit of a flop, so I decided that wasn't happening any more. I booked THIS YEARS summer holiday LAST YEAR and made sure it was paid off months ago and that there was money in a separate "holidays" bank account to make sure we have petrol money and admission fees covered.

Our Summer looks like this:

Anglesey for a long weekend. 

I loved it here as a kid!

  • Rhosneigr beach - where we got engaged
  • Newborough Warren beach - Coz it's beautiful and miles long
  • Hen Blas working farm & play zone - Kids will LOVE it what ever the weather
  • Sea Zoo - Ditto

France to Visit Papee & Mamee

I've not made any specific plans for here. My Dad & his Missus are enjoying making their own list of things they'd like to do with the kids

Uncle Bob & Aunty Rach's Wedding

Just being part of this will be fab


Maybe an overnight stay? Although we live close enough to make two trips
  • The Zoo! 
  • Sea-life Centre
  • Donkey rides on the beach


Sunny days
  • The Orchard & Fairfield Park
  • Happy Mount Park
  • Morecambe Beach
  • Williamson's Park & Butterfly House
  • Old Holly Farm

Wet Days
  • Wacky Warehouse
  • Giggles
  • The Zone
  • Brewster's

It's not going to be easy to fit it all in, mainly because I'm going to be working for a lot of it, but Anglesey, France the Wedding are sorted. Blackpool should be easily squeezed in, and the rest... well, I'll do my best! I have until the 2nd week in September to cram it all in!


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