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8-DPO and tapping my foot

According to Fertility Friend I am now 8dpo (days past ovulation) so that puts me half way through my two week wait.

It's impossible for me to not symptom spot and the chances that I have managed to get a bit of a bug off the kids is driving me crackers. I'm tired and sickly. They've been moody and off their food so I think maybe we are all just a little off colour. These summer holidays are taking it out of us all I think.

But even knowing that we're just a bit ill... there's still that little niggle that maybe... just maybe... We've caught already! (Shut up, silly girl!)

No point getting myself all stressy about it!

Tomorrow we fly to FRANCE! Just for a few days. We're going to stay with my Dad for bit. AF is due to pay a visit around Tuesday (give or take a day) and my official Testing Day isn't until a week from Saturday. I'm of two minds whether to pack a couple of my cheapo pregnancy tests as well as all my femme hygiene stuff. I probably will pack them and then not need them.

The sensible thing to do would be NOT take them!  Then I can't test too early. But I'm not always sensible when I comes to peeing on testing strips!!!


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