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TWW - And feeling MEH!

I can't believe I'm more than half way through the two week wait already!

I don't know what's different about this cycle, but this time I am hardly symptom spotting at all. I got myself in to SUCH a tizz last month though so maybe this is just me with my sensible head on for a change. Plus, I've been super busy! Jack's back at school, Tom has his home visit today and starts 'big' nursery tomorrow, the office move is looming for this weekend, and the hubby has been a total grump! Probably brought about by our quick over-night stay with his family at the weekend (it was a great visit, sis-in-law turned 40, youngest nephew turned 1, but he always gets stressed when we go down). So I guess that maybe I've just been too busy.

I also very confused by my chart.

OK, before you all shout out "YOU'VE GOT CROSS HAIRS!" I know... but only because of the positive ovulation test. But remember the post I made about that test? Yeah... It might not be a real positive. And then there's the super vague blood test results which I am only assuming meant that I ovulated. If I take that +OPK out, then suddenly there are no cross hairs, not even dashed ones. What do you make of that?

This chart... It's all messed up. All those nights away from our own bed didn't help. I'm sure it makes a difference to the BBT (even if you take it down below) so I've recorded those temps but "disregarded" them. And I was ill for a while in the first half of my cycle which made my temps higher than normal too.

BUT if I did ovulate then we have a  good chance of catching. FF wants me to wait until a week today to do a test. says I have two days till testing day. I want to be all big and confident and say that I won't test until 16dpo like FF says. But let's face it, if I get to 11dpo it'll be a miracle!


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