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10 things to be Thankful For!

I saw this over on a bloggy friends post (check it out and link up) and thought it was a lovely idea to keep my mood up with the whole TTC thing. So here we go, in no particular order, 10 things to be thankful for:

  1. There is a good chance that we know what our Secondary Fertility is caused by, and fixing it should be simple once we get to the clinic
  2. Our doctor is very understanding and is really trying hard to help us get to the clinic
  3. According to my blood tests, my body is TRYING to do what it should
  4. Hubby's sample has come back normal!
  5. This cycle seems more normal than the previous few - still long but a more normal pattern (thanks to Angus Castus supplements?)
  6. I got Crosshairs on my Fertility Friend chart this week (suggesting I might have actually ovulated this cycle) they moved today and gave me a score of "low" instead of "good", but a score is still a score!
  7. Even after 12 years together we're still into each other enough to enjoy this whole baby making process (we both come from divorced homes, this is a big deal!)
  8. I have this blog and the lovely communities on my favourite forum and G+ group to help me work through the massive changes in moods and emotions that go along with TTC
  9. There's a chance we might not have this fourth baby.... but we have 3 brilliant sons already and I am very very thankful for them
  10. My Hubby. Who tolerates a lot. It was his idea to have 4 kids in the first place, but without him to support and love me, and make me laugh when I'm feeling at my lowest, I just couldn't cope.


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