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What can go wrong....

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There's a saying you probably know. "What can go wrong, will go wrong".

Today is Hubby's sample day. Naturally, anything involving my darling husband has to be fraught with problems! He is an endless supply of drama for me!

First off he's worried about the size of him sample. "Not much came out!" he says to me. It wasn't overflowing the pot and he's concerned they won't have enough to work with. We'd deliberately abstained yesterday in the hopes of getting a good sample. Let's put it down to performance anxiety! And anyway, having never measured it before I have nothing to compare it too! So I looked it up, and it might be a bit on the low side. I'm sure it'll be fine though (and if not, that might actually work in our favor re getting seen by the clinic!)

Then it was the mad rush to get it to the hospital lab within an hour! We don't live far away, but parking is limited and often impossible! So it was me, him, and 2 of the kids in the car (he doesn't drive, if there are no parking spaces someone needs to stay with the car while the other drops off the sample, can't leave the kids home alone), and the sample tube stuffed snug and warm in my bra (not comfy!!)

Sure enough, there are no parking spaces! So instead of parking up and me saving him the embarrassment of taking it himself, I boot him out on the door step and drive round till he comes back. That should have been the end of the story, but no! I'd dropped him off at the wrong doors. Apparently the doors you use for just about everything at the hospital are NOT the main doors, so he's racing about following directions from various staff members and eventually finds the lab, only to see a sign saying sperm samples have to go to a different, new lab, somewhere else!

He finally got it there just within the hour (maybe 10 mins to spare) but only after much trekking about - some of which outside - so it's anyone's guess as to if the sample stayed warm enough and is still alive. He thinks not. It's a bit like a "Schrodinger's" sample. It may considered both dead and alive until the results are in! But at least he knows where to go if we have to do it all over again! He didn't see the funny side.

I do feel sorry for my poor husband though, despite chuckling behind my hand. He is freaking out so much over what they will or wont find. Waking nightmares about mutant two headed swimmers, non-swimming swimmers, BACKWARDS swimming swimmers.... I did a little research on my own (this site is helpful and not too medical), but I've chosen NOT to share it with him because it's only going to stress him out more. Knowledge isn't helpful to him like it is to me!

Calling the docs on Friday for the results, really hoping I don't have to put the poor bloke through this trauma again!


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