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What's in a (domain) name?

This is something I've been thinking about doing for AGES and so many other bloggers I read have already
done this.... committing to a Domain Name! So instead of being I could be or something along those lines, but not actually that, it's already gone. I have some ideas for what it would actually be, and some prices offered already which are reasonable.

But it's a big step.

Am I ready for it?

I've been on this URL for over 10 years now and I admit I am a little scared of changing it in case everything goes horribly horribly wrong and I lose everything I've written for the last decade! I don't think I could stand that.

But on the other hand, having my own domain would be great! I get the impression that companies looking for bloggers to review their products and host giveaways are more interested in the people who have made that commitment and spent that money, it looks that bit more professional.

So I guess what I'm really asking of you all is your opinion. Should I go for it? I even have a poll on Facebook asking the same question. Leave me a comment, or answer the poll, or both if you like! I'd love to know what you think of it all.

Poll - Domain or Blogger


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