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Sunshine Award & Liebster Award

The fantastic Echo over on Domain of the Mad Mommy has kindly nominated me for a Sunshine Award and Liebster Award!

I thought about putting the two together for my nominations, but just lately I have met so many other lovely bloggers through my hops that I think I can easily come up with full nominations for both! (You're all such lovely folk!)

11 facts About ME:

  1. I can talk/write about stuff for hours, but ask me to list things about myself and I'm stumped!
  2. I still fancy the pants off my Hubby after more than 12 years together (he still seems to like me too!)
  3. I am on mission BABY! Determined to make a new (final) addition to the Family Walker by 2015
  4. I actually genuinely really like my job, and it's not glamorous or anything
  5. I have a cat tattoo on my hip and some Chinese writing on my ankle (I've only ever told 3 people what it says - my husband ISN'T one of them!)
  6. I haven't had my roots done since August when my styling went on maternity leave. It looks shocking! 
  7. I get more excited about my kid's crafty homework projects than he does, and need reigning in!
  8. If I drink coffee or cola etc after midday I can't get to sleep until 3am. It took me over 20 years of caffeine drinking and crappy sleep to work that out!
  9. There's still little better than a hot cup of coffee first thing in the morning!
  10. When I'm old I want to retire to Anglesey where I had some of my best holidays and a kid, and as a grown up with my kids (hey, if it's good enough for Prince George...)
  11. I play with the kids computer games when they are in bed!

Questions from Echo:

1. If you had to listen to one song, on repeat, for a whole day, what would it be?
I'm not that in to music, but knowing me the one song I would hear in my head for ever would be the last one that I'd heard on the radio, no matter what it was or if I liked it!

2. You have to change your first name, today! What do you change it too?
Today...? Anything other than "Muuuuuuuuum!!!!"

3. Why did you start blogging?
It's cheaper than therapy!

4. Are you where you pictured yourself 5 years ago?
Pretty much! Not sure if that's good or not!

5. Spaghetti'os, Kraft Mac N Cheese or Tombstone Pizza. Pick one.
Mac n cheeeeeeeeeese!

6. If you could have any pet in the world, what would it be?
Real one? A cat - and I have one. Fantasy? I'd love a mini stegosaurus! 

7. If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what movie would you pick?
(Argh! Too many to chose from! Quick, pick current fav movie) Hunger Games!

8. Do you shower everyday? (Be honest)
Nope! Sometimes I have a bath instead. Sometimes I just rinse off at the sink and stay away from other people!

9. What is your most dreaded chore?
Ironing. I do anything I can to avoid it.

10. Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
Two tattoos, nose and tongue pierced. Used to have more...

11. What TV commercial gets stuck in your head the most?
"Washing machines live longer with Calgon!" No idea why. 

My Questions for YOU!

  1. What is your earliest memory?
  2. What are the funniest or most embarrassing stories your family tells about you? 
  3. What are you proudest of in your life? 
  4. If you could interview anyone from your life living or dead, but not a celebrity, who would it be and why? 
  5. What did you think you were going to be when you grew up?
  6. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  7. If you could live anywhere on earth, where would you live?
  8. If you could have one super power, what would it be?
  9. What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
  10. If you won a million playing the lottery, what would you do?
  11. What is the best thing that happened to you this week? (Apart from this award...)


In no particular order:

  1. Glamburger
  2. Let Kids Be Kids
  3. Saving Mummy
  4. An Alli Event
  5. Super Busy Mum
  6. Makin' My Apartment a Home
  7. We're Going on an Adventure
  8. In The Playroom
  9. Baby for Scale
  10. Family Fever
  11. Itzybellababy

  1. Cheng & 3 Kids
  2. Dizzy, Busy & Hungry
  3. What Happens at Grandma's
  4. The Modern Mrs
  5. Ladyblogger
  6. Thank You Honey
  7. Chairs from the Curb
  8. Embracing the Good Life
  9. Tumbleweed Contessa
  10. Jenn's Random Scraps
  11. Makeovers & Motherhood


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