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21 Day Bloods (again, on CD30!)

Today I marched in to town and saw the nurse who took some more blood for another 21 day progesterone test. This one is actually on cycle day 30 since my cycles are so long. The Fertility Clinic are reasonably sure tht I am not ovulating, but said that my previous CD21 Day test would have shown negaive regardless as I seem to be at least trying to ovukate atound CD25. Makes sense!

The ideal day would have been CD28, but that was Saturday and (aside from having my car wrecked) the surgery is closed so I couldn't have it done then. Friday was too soon. So it had to be today.

I was supposed to be at work today, but with the whole car/garage/insurance mess, and the appointment being at 12 noon, and having no transport, my boss agreed to me having the day off. The walk will have done me good though (3 WW points) and certainly got my blood pumping and easy to take - nomally my body doesn't like giving any blood up at all!

I can call for my results at the end of the week, but I'm certain they'll be negative. My temps are all wrong for ovulation this cycle with hardly any increase and then staying pretty flat. Shame really, because we times our baby-dancing really well this month! If a little eggie had popped out we'd have been sure to catch it. I'll know for certain before Christmas. Testing day is 12th Dec but Santa wont be bringing what I really want for Christmas this year. Then again, and VW Van carrying a positive pregnancy test announcing a baby girl is something of a big ask!


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