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Eating Right for Baby (even before there is one)

Since I've discovered it likely to be my weight that has caused my Secondary Infertility I have been reading more and more about healthy eating while TTC and pregnant. I'm planning to stick to healthy eating when I'm pregnant... and I know that's not always going to be easy!

In my previous pregnancies I have just chucked all ideas of healthy eating out of the window and allowed myself to use my baby as an excuse to stuff my face with junk. Every time I fancied something I said "the baby wants it". OK, sometimes that was true, I really could not get through the day without eating a ton of chicken when I was expecting my first. Milk has been a big thing with all of my babies. But that's all ok. Chicken is healthy (unless it's KFC or something) and there's nothing wrong with me drinking milk. I guess my baby wanted the protein and calcium. But what did my babies want from 3 packets of jaffa cakes....? probably not a whole lot!

Now, it's very easy for me to say right here and now that I am going to eat healthy when pregnant and not stuff my face with cakes. Sticking to it might be a different matter! But if I go into it with a better frame of mind I might do better! Plus, if I am eating a healthy balanced diet I "shouldn't" get all manner of cravings for the unhealthy stuff, because the baby would be getting all it needs from what I'm eating already.

I guess only time will tell. But for now, it's healthy eating all the way and getting a good head start in things! Right now I am taking better care to eat only one serving of cereal at breakfast time (instead of filling my very large bowl to almost over flowing), I've swapped from white bread to wholemeal for my lunch and fill my pack lunch with chopped veg and 3 or 4 pieces of fruit instead of a bar of chocolate and packet of biscuits. My evenings meals haven't changed much, they have always been reasonably healthy, but I have ditched the supper time toast. It's actually not been too hard to do. I'm not feeling hungry like I thought because when I do get peckish I eat some fruit or veg, or have a drink of (sugar free) juice.


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