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Secret Diary Post - Being a Good Girl

Rach got her 3+ on a Clear Blue digi today. That means I should get mine in 5 days time. Tuesday! I was planning to do my digi on Monday and then book in with the doctors so I'm glad I saw this because I'll hold off now. I will prob do a normal test on Mon and call anyway... then do the digi on the day of my appointment to take in before the battery dies!

I'm working hard on being a "good girl". I haven't told anyone else about Bean yet apart from a few select people online (you know who you are!), no more family and none of my off line friends. It's hard! But I am actually starting to get a kick out of it being secret! And I am enjoying keeping this Secret Diary knowing I'll publish it once everyone knows who needs to know.

The change in diet is still going strong too. I am eating SO MUCH but it'll all healthy! Yesterday I packed so much food for work that I couldn't eat it all! I ended up snacking on it in the evening - which is my worst time for snacking on unhealthy stuff so this made a great change. I seem to have jacked in the Wii Fit for now though. I'm just too damned tired!

Not too much in the way of symptoms yet. The odd dizzy spell, but usually when I'm sat down so I'm not too worried about that, I'm not going to fall anywhere like that. I feel a bit sick sometimes but nothing to really report, and I am very very tired all the time. And forgetful!

I am terribly windy though! I'm blaming that on all the fruit and veg I'm eating! First thing in the morning is worst, those moments between waking and NEEDING to get of bed to pee.... I fart like man! A man who lives on baked beans and beer! It's not attractive! But at least because I am eating healthy it doesn't stink like a man living off beans and beer!

The thing is, now that I have my BFP, and I am writing this Secret Diary, I am struggling to post things on my published blog. My brain is all BABY-BABY-BABY which makes trying to write like I'm not pregnant difficult. It feels like a lie, and I'm a bit rubbish at lies.


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