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Weigh In Day!

I've been working really really hard ever since that Fertility Clinic appointment. I've been on the Wii Fit every day (apart from yesterday, but since I was in a car accident that has probably written my car off I think I can be forgiven) for at lest 30 mins but usually over an hour. I do less on a work day becuase by the time I'm home, had my dinner, and put the kids to bed, I'm just too tired to do more than 30 mins. When I'm not at work I get my hour+ in! The doc said I only NEED to do 20-30 mins 2-3 times a week so either way I'm on a win.

I have also stuck to my Weight Watchers ProPoints, drunk pleny of water, stuffed my face with fruits and veggies....

And I have been rewarded! I have lost weight, and I have reduced my BMI from 37.4 to 34.8! (I also got my 5% loss star!)

Now I know that is just week-one loss, and the first week is always BRILLIANT. It will slow down to about 1-2lb a week, but what a cracking start! I feel really motivated!

The trick is to keep it up though, right? Well Fertility Friend has finally given me cross-hairs on my chart for this cycle, but looking at my temperatures I'm pretty certain I didn't ovulate. The rise is too slow, too low, and not consistent enough to suggest that I have ovulated. I'm sad because this was my last chance to get a baby that would be in the school year I wanted (one school year between each of my kids), now my next kid will be two years below my current youngest. Any baby conceived after this cycle would be born after September 1st 2014 and that's the academic year cut off date.

I know that's not really all that important, not in the grand scheme of things. But it would have been nice. Instead of being one of the youngest in the class, the next baby will be one of oldest, and wait almost a whole extra year to start school. A whole year of not getting the best stimulation and education possible for their age. I will have to wait a whole year longer to go back to full time work, so that's another year on reduced income. Yes we'll cope just fine, but I want to be comfortable, not just coping.

I am kicking myself for not taking better care of my weight sooner. It's my own laziness and greed that has put me in this situation, and I have no one to blame but me.

Still...... I'm doing something about it now, and that's better than nothing.

I will get fitter, I will get healthier, I will get my baby!


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