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Constipation - because having a baby is glamorous!

I'm trying really hard not to be a moaning pregnant mum. You all know how much we've wanted this baby and seen what I've done to get to this point. But no matter how much this baby is loved and wanted..... I'm still not well!

You've probably guessed from my last post that I am suffering some of the less glamorous side effects of pregnancy. And it's really getting me down. So be prepared for a TMI post - or simply come back in a week or two when I should be feeling better!

My constipation is NOT easing up. I'm "going" only once or twice a week, and the Fybogel the pharmacist gave me hasn't made any difference other than making me feel more bloated. Which is the last thing I need! I am at the stage where I feel like I can't eat any more. When I bend over I fell sick, or I actually am sick. I'm massively bloated, I look like I'm at the start of my 3rd Tri, not my 2nd. My breath smells. Moving around is uncomfortable. Sitting is uncomfortable. I'm tired all the time and my head aches. I've had a week off work!

I went to see the doctor this week and explained all my symptoms. She says the toxins from all the faeces I haven't been able to shift that are making me feel tired and ill, and the backing up of it in my system that is making me uncomfortable all the time. The constipation is also going to be contributing to the urine infections. Nice!

I told her what I have been eating and drinking and she is happy with my diet, although suggested I CUT OUT the extra wholemeal for a bit as while the hard fibre in it is good for "quality" faeces, it's also very bulky and wont help me pass it. I need more SOFT fibre. On the same note, she's suggested I stop the Fybogel as that has the same effect. It is also given to people with diarrhoea because of it's bulking property. Instead she has given me Lactulose (which I have had in my prev pregs) and I am more hopeful for this. That said, it has some pretty grim side effects such as really REALLY unpleasant wind! I mean.... George's nappy smell better than me.

So I'm still off work. I find it impossible to sit at a desk for any amount of time (aside from being backed up I have a less than lovely set of haemorrhoids to contend with, thanks to the constipation!), I'm so tired I nod of frequently, and I am not very pleasant to be around - especially in a confined space - and our office is very small with the only toilet being directly off the office. I just cannot bring myself to stink this badly or be this public in my struggles to move my bowels, especially when in the instances that I am successful (when my body decides it's going to "go" there's no stopping, waiting, or looking for a more suitable toilet.... I get to the nearest one FAST!) the smell is likened to chemical war fare and blocks the plumbing.

THIS is the stuff they should teach as part of sex ed in schools! Way more off putting than anything they taught me!


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