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The Lego Movie!

Yesterday I took Jack & Tom to see the Lego Movie in 3D! 

Poor hubby was gutted to be left out of this little trip but Georgie is too young and someone had to stay home with him (sorry, Hubs, we'll get it on DVD so you can watch it too!)

To be honest I was dreading this. Jack had only been to the cinema once and that was with school. Tom has never been before. I was worried about them messing about, chattering, running around..... I had promised the boys this trip out some weeks ago but that was before I got ill and now that I am poorly I was more worried than ever about going alone with them. BUT this was the only chance I was going to have to take them so I dosed up and set off with them on the bus for a Sunday Adventure!

We made an afternoon of it, the bus meant that we were in town almost an hour before the movie started (Sunday buses are one a hour so it was over early, or miss the start), I treated the kids to a McDonald's lunch where they got a Lego Movie 3D cup as their Happy Meal toy which they were thrilled about, and I promise to fill with popcorn for them for the movie. They got Metal Beard, and some discount vouchers which we can use at Legoland Discovery in Manchester next time we go! Winner!
Image from
So piled up with sweets, popcorn, drinks and our 3D glasses we settled down to our movie.... I was mentally steeling myself for reigning in bored kids hyped up on sugar and E numbers and fully expecting to have to leave for at least one toilet break if not leave early all together........

I couldn't have been more wrong! The kids were glued to their seats and the silver screen! They loved the movie! I loved the movie! We laughed, we sang ("Everything is awesoooooooome!"), we had a flipping MARVELLOUS time!

And yes, we WILL be buying it on DVD!

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