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Bumpdate @ 16 Weeks


Oooooh! I feel so much better this week! I am finally, comfortably, settled into the second  trimester. I've not been sick now for almost a week! I am peeing for Britain though, hahaha!

And I seem to have myself a wee BUMP! At last! And it is a bump I think rather than just being fatter. I am still keeping an eye on what I'm eating. Up until this weekend my normal jeans and trousers have all fit perfectly well, now they are just a little bit tight. I can wear them through the day but by evening I need to get changed into something loose. But my belly above my trousers is defiantly popping out a bit! I have a nice, neat, round pot belly! Looks lovely in my maternity wear... I'll start thinking about posting bump pics in the next few weeks.

I still have not heard from the hospital about my consultants appointment though. Now I'm 16 weeks I should have had the appointment.  I'm due at the midwife again tomorrow and should have seen the consultant before I see the MW again but never mind. I'm sure she'll chase the hospital up for me!

Here's what Fertility Friend says about baby this week:
Your baby now weighs more than the surrounding placenta. She measures about 4.4 to 4.8 inches (about 11 to 12cm) from crown to rump and weighs about 3.5 ounces (100g). She is positioned halfway between your pubic bone and your navel. Fat, which is important for your baby's metabolism and heat production is beginning to form around this time. The placenta, which will weigh more than a pound at full term, is also developing rapidly. It is now a large and well-established network of blood vessels responsible for exchanging nutrients and waste to support your baby.
Heartbeat tomorrow! YAY!!

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