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Bumpdate @ 18 Weeks

Consultants Appointment!

Well the midwife was true to her word, and I got my appointment up at the hospital for Wed this week. The letter warned it could be a two hour appointment so I went armed with a bottle of soda water and a new book on my Kindle app. I was let out of work early to get there and I'm glad I did because parking was a nightmare and in the end I left the car in town and walked instead of driving round the hospital car park for a third time....

The Gestational Diabetes Clinic (GD Clinic) was the busiest I have ever seen it! In fact they had TWO clinics running side by side. The dedicated GD Midwife - who I have seen there since I was expecting Tom - told me that when I was first going 4 years ago they's see maybe 5 mums, that day they were seeing 25!

Luckily for me and for them because I am an old hand at the whole GD thing now I was dealt with and out the door within an hour. I explained I had only ever been borderline, and that by today's parameters I wouldn't even be borderline (that's what the GD Consultant told me once George was born) so didn't actually suffer from GD at all. But since I am overweight and do have big babies I knew I would always be monitored. I was handed my new Orange Notes, my new blood sugar testing kit, and told to come back in 4 weeks.

So I go back at 20/21 weeks, then 28 weeks for a growth scan, and around 30-32 weeks to discuss induction dates (and probably another scan).

Oh.... and last night, for the first time with real certainty.... I felt Bean move!!!

Here's what Fertility Friend says about baby this week:

Your baby measures about 5.2 to 6 inches (13-15cm) from crown to rump and weighs about 7 ounces (200g). The buds for the permanent teeth are forming behind those that have already developed for the first teeth. Your baby's nervous system and brain development continue at a spectacular pace. By this week, your baby's motor neurons, which connect muscle to the brain, have grown into place so that your baby can consciously direct her movements. Millions of neurons inside your baby's brain are growing and forming connections and the nerves in her body are being covered in a fatty substance called myelin. Your baby's ears are now placed on the sides of her head and her limbs are now in proportion. Your baby's tiny foot is just one inch long, but is in perfect proportion to the rest of her leg. Your baby can hear your voice and recognize it.
Just over two weeks until my next scan... when I should find out: Pink or Blue!

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