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Bumpdate @ 19 Weeks

A Busy Week

It's been a very busy week, but not baby stuff. It was Jack's 6th Birthday on Friday so that's taken some organisation. I've had the new car in and out of the garage (it has an injection leak, but it's covered by the warranty so no big deal) and we're making plans for George's birthday in a few weeks time too.

I had another bout of sickness on Tuesday morning, but it seems to have been a one off. Baby Bean is still kicking away! Baby seems more active on the late afternoon and evening - in other words once the kids are in bed and I can put my feet up for a bit. Babies in the belly are more likely to sleep when you're moving about and making noise too, so it makes sense that as soon as it's all quiet and I sit still for a bit my newest little one should wake up and start doing star jumps!

It's also occurred to me that at some point this week - assuming I get my induction around 38-39 weeks - I will slip past the half way mark! OK, we don't officially start counting down till next week, but I doubt very much that I will be allowed to reach 40 weeks.

Here's what Fertility Friend says about baby this week:
Your baby weighs about 9 ounces (260g) and measures about 5.6 to 6.4 inches (14 to 16cm) from crown to rump. Her skin is thickening and developing multiple layers- the epidermis and the dermis, the deeper layer where it will form fat. Your baby is now also developing a waxy protective coating for her skin called vernix caseosa. The vernix protects your baby's skin which is continuously submersed in amniotic fluid. Vernix, which is particularly thick around the eyebrows is held in place by tiny downy hairs called lanugo. Your baby can now grip with her fists. Toenails and scalp hair are growing. At this point, it may be possible to determine the baby's sex by ultrasound, if the baby cooperates, but the ultrasound technician will rarely guarantee the sex based on the ultrasound results as mistakes are sometimes made at an early ultrasound. You can hear the baby's heartbeat with a Doppler ultrasound device or a stethoscope.
1 week and 2 days until my scan!!!!

Facebook has changed it’s policy for posts to Facebook pages like mine. They are only showing posts to a few likers unless I pay to boost the views. Since I don't earn money from my blog (or at least not much, not even enough to buy one posh a coffee a week) I wont be doing that. The best way to make sure you will see my blog posts is to subscribe by email up there on the right. I usually only email once a week and include an invitation to my blog hop so you can share your posts too. 

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