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First GD Clinic

My first Gestational Diabetes Clinic for this pregnancy. My lovely manager let me out early for this, and I'm glad she did. 20 mins driving round and NO parking space at the hospital. I wound up parking in town and walking. Only just got there on time!

I did okay out of this appointment though. They tend to drag on, and they were packed out today! 25+ people to see the midwife said to me. 5 years ago they'd only have had a couple of mums to see. That'll be the obesity epidemic then at a a guess! Anyway, since I am a 4th time mum, and 3rd time GD clinic veteran they rushed me through. I didn't need a half hour long explanation of what GD is and the potential effects on me and my baby during preg, after the birth, or in 10-20 years time. I know it all. They didn't need to lecture me on which food and drink I can and can't have. I know that too (and generally ignore it because my sugar levels are always fine regardless). I didn't need teaching how to use the blood sugar testing machine, even though they've given me a new one, because it's basically the same and I know all that too.

It was nice to see some familiar faces though. The diabetes consultant is the same lady. The GD midwife is the same lady. I like both of these ladies! The GD consultant hasn't changed either though, and we don't get along. She didn't come to see me. Happy all round!

They couldn't tell me for certain if I would be having an induction, but the question was relayed to the GD consultant and the message came back "if her blood sugars are high we will induce at 38 weeks. If they are normal, well, we'll just induce anyway" (this is without seeing me by the way) so I am guessing that I will be booked in sometime in my 39th week like I was with Tom & George. The actual plans will be made around weeks 30 to 32. I wish it was sooner and I will push for a date each time I go to clinic. The MW said that if I explain I want to know to arrange childcare etc they might sort a date out sooner rather than later, but she couldn't promise as it wasn't down to her.

I don't know if they are putting my down for the proper blood glucose test or not. There was some talk about it, but nothing booked, and the focus was on my testing my own bloods. I hoping to dodge it. But we'll see. I do go back to the GD clinic in 4 weeks time though, show them my daily blood test results (and hope they drop me down to testing just two days a week), and they'll arrange my 28 week growth scan then too. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

In the meantime, I'll be filling my Orange Notes out daily!


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