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First Kicks

I've been feeling Baby Bean kicking now for the last week. It's such a lovely lovely feeling (at this stage, I'll be less impressed towards the end when every boot hurts!) I usually feel Baby of an evening, once the kiddos are in bed and I'm finally relaxing with my feet up. Then the little thing goes mental! I've likened it to star jumps rather than butterfly flutterings!

It's very reassuring though. I've been in danger of forgetting I'm pregnant this time round.With three kids to deal with and entertain already, plus Hubby trying to sort the bathroom out (such a loooong project!), and I'm still working too, it seems that I just need to blink and a whole week has gone by!

And because we already have almost all the required baby stuff in place there's not a whole lot to do in the way of preparation for baby! A bit of room shuffling to make sure we can get the crib up by my side of the bed but that's all. Without having things to "stress" about and fuss over, it's like it's not happening.

It's nice not to feel stressed and panicked at the thought of a new baby coming, but I do feel like I'm missing out on some of the excitement of being pregnant. I'm very much looking forward to the scan on April 1st so that I can go and buy some little blue or little pink things for baby... mainly so that I CAN go and do SOMETHING for the baby.

The down side to being to distracted is missing out on bonding with my bump. I don't want to feel like I've not bonded. This is my LAST pregnancy, I want to make the most of it..

Hopefully, once I've had my scan and I know if I've carrying a Freddie or a Rosie, and I can go on a little shopping trip (even if I only spend £10!) I'll feel more excited, and more bonded.

But for now, I shall sit back and enjoy these little kicks from my Bean reminding me "hey Mummy, I'm in here!"


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