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Time is flying!

Unbelievable... time is whizzing by so fast with this preg (remind me I said that in the 2nd half of my 3rd tri please). I am now over 17 weeks! I finally have my first GD Clinic consultants appointment tomorrow afternoon. I'm hoping that I get some answers and get to make some plans after this appointment, but I doubt it will go that way. It will prob be a case of nattering at me and telling what they want me to do over the coming weeks.

The future of my pregnancy, blood sugar testing
(aka very sore fingertips!)
The letter I got says this appointment could be 1-2 hours long. They wont do my blood sugar test tomorrow, I know that much, because I haven't been sent the fasting letter. So they'll possibly arrange for that test to be done some time after my 20 week scan. They might give me the blood testing kit again, but I already have two! I've just checked one of them and it still works fine. I'll take it with me tomorrow.

I'll likely see the consultant (or one of her registrars, since we don't get along), midwife, dietitian, and maybe someone else... I'll get my blood pressure checked, by belly poked, maybe I'll be weighed and measured, maybe some bloods taken, and I do need to hand in a pot of pee! There will be a lot of waiting around to see people only for me to say "yes, just like last time then".  I must remember to take a book or get something new loaded onto my Kindle App!

Ideally I would like them to say "we've been here twice already, lets just keep an eye on your blood sugar and book your induction for such-n-such a day, here are some growth scan appointments". That would be my ideal! But that would be far too simple and I doubt very much that it will happen tomorrow, although that will be the outcome eventually...

Oh.... and it's 3 weeks till scan day!


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