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Bumpdate @ 21 Weeks

Eating Naughty Stuff

The scan was GREAT! Baby was a bit naughty and wouldn't play to start with (which meant I had to go for a 20 min walk and a drink, then come and get re-scanned) but the upshot of it was that baby is bob-on for 20 weeks and 2 days. Just what I wanted to hear!

This weekend we're at a family wedding, which is interesting from a pregnancy point of view. My bump is almost twice the size of my sister-in-laws, who is due 3 days before me (although she is slimmer and only on her 2nd child, as apposed to be being chunky and on my 4th baby while the other 3 were all over 9 1/2 lb!). I did a HUGE amount of driving too, which caused baby to give me a massive kicking attack on a regular basis (doesn't like me sitting down too long, and neither does my sciatica). 

We stayed at a hotel with the kids, sharing a room with all of them. I'm so glad the bed was comfy! I broke the pregnancy rules at breakfast by drinking way too much coffee and eating fried eggs with soft yolks. At the wedding I ate sea food! *gasp!* But my my my it was allllll good! And since I've never had food poisoning off stuff like this at weddings / hotels before I don't see why I suddenly would while I'm pregnant (so there).

Here's what Fertility Friend says about baby this week:

Your baby measures about 7.6 inches (19cm) from crown to rump and weighs about 12.25 ounces (350g). Eyebrows have developed. His digestive system now functions in a rudimentary manner. Undigested amniotic fluid passes into his bowel which he will eventually excrete after birth. Your baby can suck and swallow and may even suck his thumb. Your baby's senses are developing, especially his sense of touch. He can feel his face and stroke his arms and legs.
GD Clinic on Wednesday!

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