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Bumpdate @ 30 Weeks

A whole week of early nights.....

I have been more tired this week that I have ever felt in my life! And there are still 10 weeks until my due date - although, I have been told by my consultant that I WILL NOT be allowed to get to due date. It's just a case of will they induce me at 38 or 39 weeks. I'm sure I'll feel better once this mess up with my antibiotics is sorted. I'm still more than a little annoyed about that one. Did you hear? I have a UTI, was given a prescription to clear it up. I took it to the pharmacy who took ages to sort it, so I said I'd go for a coffee and pick it up in half an hour. When I get back I'm told it's out of stock, but will DEFINITELY be in by 5pm the next day. I tell them I can't get in the next day, but will be back the following morning. When I go back they take an age to look for it before eventually telling me that it's been discontinued! They have my phone number, it's on my prescription. They can SEE that I am heavily pregnant - and even if they failed to notice that - they could tell from the form on the back of my prescription which details my exemption from paying due to MATERNITY, and surely, as pharmacists, they should know how risky it is for a pregnant woman to go with an untreated UTI for a prolonged period of time! But they don't bother to call me.... Instead they get snotty WITH ME as though it's my fault! Needless to say I wont be going back there. 

Here's what Fertility Friend says about baby this week:
Your baby now weighs about 3.5 lbs (1600g) and measures about 18 inches (40cm) in total and about 11.2 inches (28cm) from crown to rump.
Your baby's increasing size means that she has less room to move around in your uterus.
Your baby could already be moving into the head-down position.
Your baby's lungs are maturing and their lining, which prevents air sacs from collapsing, is growing. This lung development means that your baby would have a much greater chance of survival if he were born prematurely.
About 16 fluid ounces of blood are flowing through the wall of your uterus to the site of the placenta, though your blood never mixes with your baby's blood. It is separated by the placental barrier which is a very thin wall. Water, nutrients and waste are exchanged across this barrier at a rate of 0.3 fluid ounces per second.
Your baby swallows amniotic fluid and urinates.
Your baby's ears are sufficiently developed to hear and recognize your voice, the voices of other family members as well as familiar musical tunes. 
Another GD Clinic & Growth Scan on Wednesday..... wish me luck! I want that induction date booking in!

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