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Looking at things for Baby

Oooohh! I have been window shopping!

There are only a handful of things we need for this baby, but quite a few more that I would like to have too! Like a second Moby Wrap <-- this is the one I already have! And I quite fancy upgrading the Bambino Mio cloth nappies we have, has some of the covers are getting a bit worn after 3 babies! Now I have seen the MioSolo, which is their new all-in-one product, and I'm thinking I might buy a few of those as they are (allegedly) from birth to potty training, so while they look expensive to start with they would actually work out really cheap. I'm not planning on replacing the whole lot, but they would make a good addition and I can ditch the more worn nappy covers I have.

I'm 30 weeks tomorrow, which mean I have a MAXIMUM of 70 days before I get to meet Baby Bean. Just 10 weeks. And, depending on how these growth scans go, it could be as little as 8 weeks!

8 weeks isn't very long at all.

Last weekend I wrote a list of thing to do, a "Before Baby List" of 10 things that need doing before I go in for my induction. I'm happy to say that 3 of them are done already! And a good chunk of the others I will be able to cross off when I get paid next. This weekend I am determined to get that crib put together! And I am toying with the idea of looking through some of the stored baby clothes - although I might leave that for a week or two... Mainly because I don't fancy adding to the growing mountain of laundry until we've got a handle on it again (I've been horrifically tired lately and not done much laundry, Hubby can't keep up with it on his own).

I'm back at the GD clinic on Wednesday for another growth scan and natter with the GD Team. I'm hoping - since I'll be 30 weeks then - that I might finally get that induction date! Although I do know I might have to wait another 3 weeks for that. I hope not. You all know how I like to plan ahead!


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