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Summer Pregnancy - Phew!

How's idea was it to have a Summer Baby?! Seriously, I didn't think this through, haha. My Spring Babies were a MUCH better idea!

I've had a quiet few days as far as the pregnancy blogging goes. Mainly because it's sooo bloomin' hot! By the time the kids are in bed all I can do is flop on the settee or bed and day-dream about snow flurries!

I was an August Baby too, my Mum said she wondered how I coped with this heat. The summer I was born was a soggy one but she said the days that were hot she could do nothing but sprawl out, especially if she's been at work all day! In truth I'm not really "coping" as much as just "getting through".

I'm not really complaining about the weather. It's absolutely gorgeous at the moment. Which means that come the Summer Holidays it will probably rain every day! I need to make the most of the sunshine while it's here! So I'm doing my best not to whine and moan and grumble about my swollen feet, inability to keep cool or get comfortable, or the endless nights of broken sleep due to being so horrifically stuffy and massive. You get the idea though, right?

In truth, as much as I dream of sitting on my backside doing nothing but laze in the shade, I'm finding that staying at least a bit active is helping. It's the days that I am sat in the office that I struggle the most now that the temperature has cranked up. The job is fine, but sitting all day is causing my sciatica to worsen, and also makes my hips seize up so that when I do try to walk I end up hobbling. The days that I have been at home, playing with the kids, going to the park, pottering about the house, these are the days that I cope better with the heat. But also the days I wind up in bed at. 7:30!

I still maintain that I need to keep going to work to preserve my sanity! And I'm certainly not looking to pack in early. Instead I'm browsing the internet for stretches etc to help with my sciatica, and upsetting my manager by crawling around under desks faffing about with cables (because it seems to have stretched the bits that hurt and stopped them hurting!)


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