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The Contraceptive Nurse

Had my appointment with Rosie The Contraceptive Nurse this morning.

I've been thinking copper coil since I've about had it with hormonal contraceptives. I don't like the negative effect they have on my sex life, sex is SO much better without the pill, depo or implant! But now I'm not sure. I hadn't realised that fertilisation can still happen with the copper coil, and that those fertilised eggs are then prevented from developing. It's a bit close to regular forced miscarriage for my liking. Personal thing... Wouldn't think less of anyone else who uses one. It's just suddenly really really not for me. I've always felt that I love my babies from the moment I got my BFP and that they were my babies even just as a bunch of cells. But it also means that I would feel like I was aborting any fertilised eggs while I was using this copper coil. Sorry if that sounds dumb, unscientific, etc. I just can't do it. (Funny, I felt totally different about that before I had kids)

Which leaves the hormone tipped coil. The nurse assured me that the hormone level is much much lower because it's right there in the business area, as it were, and not pumping through my whole body. But it still does the same job as the pill end by preventing eggs from being released in the first place. Much happier with that side of things. But I don't want to suffer from dried up bits either...

I'm seriously considering getting sterilised instead. Not right away! But I think it's the right option. I'm not planning to have more babies. I have four fit healthy wonderful boys. I'm 35 and he's (almost) 43, I always said I'd stop at 35. Mum miscarried after this age. Realistically we cannot afford more kids even if we wanted them. I'm done. Buts it's proper surgery, full anaesthetic job, so no way it can happen while I'm feeding Freddie. So..... I'm thinking hormonal coil for a few years (think it's 5 unless I can wrangle it for less) and then snippy snippy time for me.

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