Skip to main content Service Review (with Disney Frozen)

A little while ago I signed up for, it's a great little tool for helping to find bargains online. With 4 kids I need something like this especially with Christmas looming around the corner (Shh! I'm not really mentioning Christmas until after Halloween and Bonfire Night!) Every penny counts and if I can save a quid - or more - here and there then it's worth doing.

Now, I honestly thought that we had managed to dodge the whole Disney Frozen thing with me having all sons, but sadly no. Jack watched it at school at the end of the Summer Term and swears it was awesome. Only Disney DVDs aren't cheap! And they tend not to drop in price much especially if they are popular ones. One thing that you will learn very quickly from social media is that Frozen is VERY popular!

Suppose! have tracked the price of Disney Frozen and found that Asda were selling it the cheapest at £10. I did a bit of my own research and (as of Sept 26th when I did this) Asda were indeed the cheapest with Smyths toy store & Toys R Us selling it at £12.99, Tesco for £13, and even the Disney Store it self selling for £10.99

It's a handy little tool for those of us who are friends with people on social media who are looking for the same things. For example, I can have a friend on Facebook who is also a member of Suppose! We're both interested in finding great deals on, lets say, Lego or Skylanders... or Frozen. We can see each others lists! I can add bargains to her list, and she can add things to mine. We can both benefit from the items we are tracking on both lists. Handy, eh?
With it's easy to see how the price of a product has changed, there's a handy graph on the product page!
With it's easy to see how the price of a product has changed, there's a handy graph on the product page!

So here we are with our very own copy of Disney Frozen. I'm trying not to get hooked on the songs, and I am quietly dreaming of a not so white Christmas (there's something about being constantly asked if I would like to build a snowman that grates on me in a mild October!), but there's one thing I can't deny. The price was good!

Now....... time to go and track the prices on that massive Christmas list the kids are writing already......

Disclaimer:  All views and opinions in this review are my own. I was given a copy of Frozen for free, but could clearly see that it was indeed at the lowest available price at the time.

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