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The School Christmas Fair

Hand made cards from the kids <3
It's becoming an expensive business, these school events. But when the money does actually go to the school I don't really mind. It is a GOOD school and the kids love going. This year I took an extra wodge of cash as Georgie is up for spending money too now. And I knew that Jack & Tom both wanted to visit the Secrets Room and buy me and Daddy a present each, that they would want to visit Santa, and that Jack was likely to attempt to bankrupt me once he found his ways to the tombolas!

So, first off they harassed me for £2 each for the Secrets room. Fortunately Georgie doesn't fully understand this yet - I'm hoping it'll wait a couple of years until he is in school himself. We've donated to the Secrets Room and I suspect we might be getting some of the same stuff back... They queue was too long though so I got to pocket that for later and wound up giving them £2 each to spend on the stalls. Me, Hubby, and the two younger boys went and found a table and a few drinks, then I caught up the bigger lads to show them were we were sat - and got conned into buying them popcorn. I bought brownies for me and Hubby too. Freddie wanted feeding so Hubby went off with Georgie to meet Santa. George came back a very happy boy with a box of Blox (Wilkinson's version of Lego). Meantime Jack came over with a face covered in Chocolate, arms full of treats, and announced that he had no money left. He's won half of the chocolate tombola. I have another £1.50 each to Jack and Tom and they wandered off towards to cuddly toy stall (as though we need any more of those!!!) Hubby went foraging and came back with hotdogs!

We rounded the kids up and ate, then Hubby took the big lads to see Santa while I chatted with some of the Mums. Tom got a Nurf type gun, which he loves, and Jack got some modeling dough. He had hoped for Blox like George, Georgie wanted the dough.... I suggested that the Elves had maybe got Jack & Georgie muddled up. Maybe they should swap? Three happy boys!

Jack tried to make a "deal" with me where he gave me his last 20p if I gave him 50p. I pointed out that it wasn't much of a deal for me.... but gave him the 50p anyway. He came back with MORE stuffed toys, I think there are about 5 of them by this point. Then I pointed out that time had almost run out - didn't they want to get to the Secrets Room before everything sold out? Off they charged and some time later came back with an arm full of very very well cellotaped packages. We hauled them out of the school and dragged their hyper, sugar fuled bodies up the hill to home so they could put the presents under the tree.

Very happy boys!

Very poor parents!

I hope the school appreciates it (hee hee).

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