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We're "on a break"

This diet is on a break for Christmas - because as much as I want to lose weight, I want a gluttonous Christmas more! Awful, isn't it?! Hahaha!

I want a break from the diet because I want to overindulge without lying or cheating, because I know that banning myself from all the treats and goodies I want at Christmas will mean that I will lose interest in my diet all together, give up, quit, break up with Weight Watchers!!! It's happened to me before. Instead I am making an informed decision to take a break over the festive period. With an official start and end date. And I fully expect my weight to get all "Rachel" about it and remind me of every little foodie indiscretion I make in that time.

Jokes aside, I am still making the usual healthy meals while we're at home - cereal for breakfast, zero point soup for lunch, and balanced dinners, but I am allowing myself indulgences such as; biscuits and mince pies the kids have made at school and at Scouts; the cakes and buns from the school fund raisers; and some of the Sticky Date Cake we make people for Christmas presents (10pp per SLICE!). While we are away with family I am not going to panic and fuss and pick at the meals that are given to us, I am going to accept them and enjoy them just as they are. And point as best I can.

So.... The diet is on hold from Sun 14th Dec (the weigh in following the school fair) until Sun 4th Jan (the weigh in before the kids go back to school)

I am well aware that this is going to cause a set back in my weight loss. I fully expect to gain a few pounds, and probably a jeans size too (in fact I'll be packing my size 14s to avoid getting cut in half by my 12's on the drive home). But I still want to lose the weight and I will get back to it. I'm not going to bury my head in the sand like I usually do.

I will still do my weigh in's on 21st Dec, and as close to the 28th Dec as I can (as we'll be away then) so that the 4th Jan wont be a total shock. I currently have 20 lb to lose to goal. But if I'm honest, I'll expect a gain of 7-8 lb gain over this break. Any more than that and I'll be disappointed, any less and I'll be happy. So keeping that projected gain in mind I have my next few goals already lined up in my head:

  1. Lose the Christmas Weight & Drop 7lb for Valentines Day (6 weeks, 1-2 lb per week)
  2. Lose a Stone: Valentines to Easter Challenge (7 weeks, 2lb per week)
  3. Last Push: Drop that last half stone before returning to work in May (4 weeks, 1-2 lb per week)
I work well when I have a plan! 

So, Dear Diet.... forgive me for involving myself with mince pies, brandy butter, and meat with the fat still on.... and remember that when I come crawling back in the New Year: We Were On A Break!


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