My Dad once said to me that with a child's first steps they are in fact taking their first steps away from you. HE said it with great sorrow in his voice. I say it with pride. I look at little Fred, and at each of his older brothers in turn, and I can see how they have / are / will grow from tiny dependant babies to wonderful brave and independent young boys - soon to be young men.
And while this has been the year I "finished having babies" it is also the year I "started to look after my body" as I rekindled my pre-pregnancy diet and continued my personal challenge to drop 75lb. I'm 2/3 of the way there!
Add to that the fact that we seem to all have our health (as far as we know), Hubby & I are both employed, the kids are doing well at school, and all generally seems to be well.... and I think we can say "Thank You 2014... it's been fab!"
The Resolutions:
Last year - as I had just found out I was pregnant - I didn't make resolutions. The usual "lose weight" and "save money" options were a bit... well they were never going to work! The year before I said:
* Lose weight. WIN - I am much slimmer now than then and still going
* Save money for the Summer Holiday. WIN - We had an awesome summer, and I continue to add to that pot for each summer every year
* Clear the Clutter. FAIL - Total and utter fail. I am up to my neck in toys :(
* Start saving for the Next Big Thing - WIN - I have money in savings accounts for holidays, birthdays, Christmas, the car, and the house. I am adding to them monthly and only taking what what I need and when.
In 2015 I vow to:
* Lose more weight - Get to my target weight, which is between 10st and 10st 5lbI am hoping that I can get to, and maintain, my target weight well before the year is up. Because the NEXT project is The House. But there is time for me to talk to you about that next year.
* Save more money - Increase the "house" savings pot, big things need to happen to our home in the next 2 years, starting with:
* Clearing this flipping clutter!!! - There are six of us now (and the cat) and it is MENTAL in here!
So... as Old Father Time sets himself down at the end of this wonderful year, making room for for 2015, I wish you and all those you care for a very... VERY... Happy New Year!
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