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New Year, New Motivation

No prizes for guessing that the no.1 New Years Resolution on my list was to continue to lose weight! I have been enjoying my little diet holiday (I still am to be honest, I don't start again until Sunday) and I am comfortable with a little holiday weight gain should the scales show one this weekend. So far I've balanced out but this has been a "fat" week again,

What is interesting though (for me at least) is that even though I have given myself license to eat like a half starved pig (really) I actually haven't done. I had a real piggy day yesterday - I was laid up in bed feeling rubbish and full of self pity for having an ill New Year - and ate for more chocolate and junk than I should have. But other than that I have been relatively restrained. For me. I didn't get to 15+ stone by accident after all. Could it be that maybe I am losing the urge to eat by body weight in chocolate? Or is it that I didn't ban myself from the treats making them less tempting and thrilling? Perhaps my metabolism is improving and I am burning the junk off better than I was? Well... whatever the reason: I am not a massive New Year Bloater!

This is the year that I will reach my goal weight! This is THE YEAR that I will get under 10.5 stone! And I am determined to never get to 11 stone again. 

The 2015 Challenges:

  • I have 1.5 stone to lose to get to my goal
  • 1 - Lose 7 lb between now & Valentines Day
  • 2 - Lose 7 lb between Valentines & Easter
  • 3 - Lost the LAST 7 lb before the Summer 
  • Challenge 4 - STILL be 10 - 10.5 stone this time next year

Keeping motivated is what's important to me now. I'm doing my best! Keeping this blog is helping a massive amount. Having so many of my friends and family join me in this weight loss is huge too. It's not just me and the Hubby any more! I have a private FB group with friends and family members taking part and we all cheer each other on, and weigh in weekly to keep accountable! I have kept my FitBit on all Christmas too (and been surprised at which days I hit my step goal and which days I didn't) and love the fact that two of my sisters-in-law also have them now and we can challenge each other for motivation too, even though we all lived 100's of miles apart! And I am still taking part in the Weight Watchers challenges too. Everything to keep me keen!

The kids go back to school on Tuesday (not Monday like I originally thought) so I am planning to get walking again that same day. I have already had one wander in t
o town this week and I'm nipping in again tomorrow... but I want to go back to my nice 5 mile long morning trecks! I have also bought a "resistance" band (from the £1 shop, lol) to use with the toning bit of my Wii fitness games, and I rediscovered an old Betterware purchase which promises "abs of steel" ... well I doubt that will happen but it might help me get into toning up now I have a bit more motivation than when I bought it (around 10 years ago!!!) Now that the weight it going I am painfully aware of how baggy and wrinkly my tummy is and it NEEDS sorting out!

So! That's the plan for 2015. In a nutshell: Drop the last 1.5 stones, tone up that tummy!

Facebook has changed it’s policy for posts to Facebook pages like mine. They are only showing posts to a few likers unless I pay to boost the views. Since I don't earn money from my blog (or at least not much, not even enough to buy one posh a coffee a week) I wont be doing that. The best way to make sure you will see my blog posts is to subscribe by email up there on the right. I usually only email once a week and include an invitation to my blog hop so you can share your posts too. 

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