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What happened to January?

Oh I don't like winter.... I really really don't like winter.... I'm ok so long as the sun is shining, and I can cope with the cold. But the dark, and the wet, and the difficulty getting out and about, it all just brings me down. I might have mentioned SAD once or twice in the past so I'm not going to bang on about it again right now. But I am suffering with it in bouts this winter.

I am still about. I am still doing stuff. I am doing a little bit of blogging on my other pages. I'm just not feeling it right now. And I find it hard to write with any passion when all I want to do is hibernate (unless I'm talking about SAD in which case I can harp on for hours)

My diet took a hit - have a little look at "Yummy Mummy" which I have been keeping up with because I am committed to weighing in each week. All through January I have been up and down and making very little progress. This week I have had a bit of a boost - the sun came out and while it seems like the rest of the UK is under snow we are thankfully clear so I can get out walking with Freddie in the sling and get a boost to my exercise and well as my mood. This is the first week of 2015 I haven't stuffed my face with chocolate!

I have taken up a Charity too, giving me greater incentive to "get out and do", as well as do good for others. The kids and I are trying to raise money for Barnardo's children's charity. You would be doing me a massive favour if you would like/follow/share what we do (and a donation wouldn't go amiss either!)

The kids are keeping us busy too. This month we have forked out for more Jujitsu and Swimming for Jack & Tom. Georgie is giving us the run around a bit - using the potty at nursery but refusing at home and trying to get out of going to bed at night. And Freddie just keeps growing and growing... I can't believe he's going to be 6 months old next week. The mattress arrived for the cot-bed today ready for him moving into the nursery room (I'm not ready!) Next month we're planning to start "Boys Night" were they each get an evening a month out with the parent of their choice to do what ever (within reason) they want; cinema, bowling, dinner at pizza hut, etc. I'm hoping to sneak an "early night and snuggles with Mummy" once a month as Freddie's 'choice' until he is old enough to take part properly. There are Beaver's trips coming up too and I have volunteered my services and car to the cause!

So there's my update. It's winter so I'm a bit invisible, but otherwise good. Hubby is good. Kids are good. And the sun is out so I'm feeling better every day!

Facebook has changed it’s policy for posts to Facebook pages like mine. They are only showing posts to a few likers unless I pay to boost the views. Since I don't earn money from my blog (or at least not much, not even enough to buy one posh a coffee a week) I wont be doing that. The best way to make sure you will see my blog posts is to subscribe by email up there on the right. I usually only email once a week and include an invitation to my blog hop so you can share your posts too. 

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