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Kiddy Update!

All my boys together at Giggles
I honestly don't know where the time goes! This time next month Jack will be 7 years old! How has that happened already? I know I shouldn't be shocked that he is almost 7, he does have 3 younger brothers after all.... but 7!? My first baby is almost SEVEN!

He's doing well though. What ever that blip was at school before Christmas it seems to be over. I think that the school jumping on it straight away and getting our full backing helped. He seems to be back on track now, and he is still really enjoying his jujitsu, swimming, and beaver scouts. There will be a jujitsu grading next month (the day after his birthday in fact) but he wont be going this time. He is already a high enough belt to only need to grade once or twice a year instead of 3-4 times.

Tom is grading next month. He's doing well too in both his jujitsu and his swimming. We seems to be slowly coming out of the fussy food stage at last. He is eating loads more vegetables now, even ones he doesn't like! This is a BIG thing for us! Although we still have issues with him eating anything in a "dark" sauce, like bolognese, cottage pie etc. We'll get there though. I am determined to give these kids a healthy. balanced diet! He has settled in to school well now, making friends and doing well in class. He bumped into one of this school friends when we were out at the weekend and it was lovely to see him play with someone independently of his brothers. It's not something we've seen much of before.

Georgie has no problem making friends wherever he goes, just like Jack at the same age (and now too). I have loved watching him interact with the other kids from his nursery the last few weeks. Many of them have older siblings in school just like he does so they meet up in the school playground before nursery opens. I love how he just goes off and plays, full of fun and confidence. Just lately he has started wanting to use the potty again too, which is brilliant (one step closer to only one kid in nappies?), there are good days and bad days, but the good days are brilliant. On Saturday he went the whole day with dry undies and every wee and poop in the potty!

Freddie is growing up so fast too. He is trying to crawl now. For ages I have been keeping him on my lap while we was awake, or sitting him in his bouncer or bumbo chairs. But he's not been happy sitting all the time, so we let him lay on the floor to play with toys and with his brothers. He has LOVED it! He scoots along on his tummy - usually backwards but my lot all started like that - or rolls front to back to get where he wants. He loves being at the same level as the other boys, and they have enjoyed him coming to play with them. I have to admit that he is still in our bed with us! Haha! He is just such a snugglebum, it's lovely having him tucked up with us - and even when we do move him into the nursery, you just know he'll wind up back in with us when I give him his night feed.

I love these boys. They drive me totally bonkers about 95% of the time.... but they are simply the greatest, best, and most wonderful things in the whole world for me.

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