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Feeling Down

Image shamelessly pilfered from
I'm feeling pretty fed up. I wont bang on about it too long, I promise, but I need to get this off my chest.

I am a comfort eater... Anything can trigger my binging: a row with the Hubby, the kids playing up, being over tired from being up in the night with baby, a bad day... the slightest thing goes askew and I'm reaching for the chocolate or sweets.

Right now I have had a few things bothering me. Nothing major (thankfully), everyday irritations like the bill for the car repairs being hundreds more than I'd hoped, unexpected vets bills for the cat, my tax credits payments getting stuffed up because "they" got it into their heads that little Freddie was a figment of my imagination. All financial glitches that have put the pressure on me a bit. It hasn't taken much to send my scurrying off to the kitchen for a sugar fix!

I'm trying SO HARD to fight it, but I am losing the battle this week. I am feeling utterly miserable and I want chocolate. I am still making sensible meals, and walking loads. Hopefully I can battle back against some of the damage I know I am doing.

Facebook has changed it’s policy for posts to Facebook pages like mine. They are only showing posts to a few likers unless I pay to boost the views. Since I don't earn money from my blog (or at least not much, not even enough to buy one posh a coffee a week) I wont be doing that. The best way to make sure you will see my blog posts is to subscribe by email up there on the right. I usually only email once a week and include an invitation to my blog hop so you can share your posts too. 

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