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Today I dumped 6 kids at the side of the road and left them....

It's true. I drove 6 kids out in to the country side and ditched them at the side of the road with a bag full of cakes and said "See ya later" before driving off.

Two of them were even my own kids!

Hahaha! For anyone who hasn't read my blog before, I've just dropped a load of Beavers off at Camp where they are staying for the night. Along with around 60 others!

For my eldest this is probably his last camp as a Beaver, he swims up to Cubs next month. For my second son this is if first Beaver camp. It's a bit of a worrier and gets a touch homesick at night so I'm glad he's got big brother Jack on the same camp.

Today has been a bit of a rush, I'm amazed I haven't met myself coming back! Up with the lark to get the kids ready and the car packed. Jack was picked up at 8:30 of taken down to the Scout Hut to help sell plants. I took Tom and George to the sports centre for their swimming lessons. Then back to the Hut to drop Tom off, and home to drop George with Nana and Freddie while I got some cash for their spends and some sweeties for their "secret" midnight feasts. And back to the Scout Hut.

It was POURING with rain! But Jack and Tom helped out with a few other kiddies while the leaders and another parent drove about delivering plant orders. Meanwhile I'm making sure I have all my Beavers ready to go to camp. My two, and another three. I dropped one of the back seats and everyone had plenty of room, only one kid was running late. Probably a good job though, because if we had set off on time we would have missed one last Beaver whose parents thought they were to be dropped at the Hut instead of the Camp Site. He would have missed out, but between us we unpacked the bags, lifted the 7th seat, reloaded the kids and repacked the car with just enough room for the 6th kid.

I love my car! I adult, 6 kids, and 6 lots of camping gear. All in! Although I might invest in a roof rack at some point soon!!!

We were met at the drop off point by one of our leaders and all the kids piled out of the car, grabbed their stuff, and were off. I didn't even get a good bye from my two - not even Tom (I'm used to it from Jack at these camps, way to excited to stop for cuddles!) But they are going to have a awesome time and probably not think twice about me, or daddy, or home. The rain stopped, and the sun came out for a bit. It's about 10pm now and I'm pretty much ready for bed. I'm betting they are all still wide awake and having a blast!

The rest of my afternoon was spent being smothered by my younger two who simply LOVE my attention being split fewer ways, but then George kept asking when I was going to fetch the boys, and Freddie kept asking "Jaaaack?" so they do miss them really. My mum got a laugh out of my trying to paint George's face like a Ninja Turtle again (that kid NEVER forgets a bribe promise!), and I even got a little walk out this evening to make sure I hit my 10,000 steps.

It's been a pretty good day all round! But I'm looking forward to having all my babies back under my roof tomorrow afternoon. Even if they are going to be tired, muddy, and probably very very smelly!

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