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Don't ask about the diet

If you've read the last couple of posts then you'll probably have already gathered that I've not been having the best of times lately. It's been about a year since I last posted regularly. I have been so tremendously busy for the last year that I have barely felt the time passing. So here's a quick catch up.

Since last year:

  • Fred has started to speak and goes to nursery, although he still has never had a hair cut and believes the potty to be a device of the Devil sent to destroy us all. He is obsessed with Pokemon, and seems to think he is a cat.
  • George has started school, and swimming lessons, and jujitsu. He has come home with more bumped head letters, knocks, scrapes, and bruises than both his big brothers put together. None of which to do with jujitsu. He's reading is suddenly really coming on though and he loves going to school.
  • Tom has started to play the ucalaly, after finding the guitar to be a bit on the big side. It's a shame that while he has this great ability to memorise the words to songs, poems, and even shorts book he seems to have inherited my talent for music. But he enjoys it and that's what matters. His story writing and his art are incredible and his teachers love his creativity. Of all of my boys he is the one who will tell me a great long story about "what I did at school today" and still wants to cuddle every day - even though he is big
  • Jack seems to have grown up so much in the last year. He can now speak fluent sarcasm (don't know where he gets that from....) He loves his creative stuff and his guitar playing, but his natural gift for maths is staggering. - he is year 4 and finding year 6 work to be no struggle at all! He still wants to open that pizza restaurant when he grows up! He's been on his first residential trip with school (to Tower Wood). And if he keeps growing like he is he will be as tall as me by this time next year!
  • I have been working myself into the ground at work, putting in extra hours at home well above and beyond the call of duty, and worrying about Hubby who is still suffering with the loss of his mum, and worrying about my parents who have both had serious health issues which have brought home just how vulnerable and not-immortal my parent are (how?! they are supposed to be here for ever!) while still trying to do the whole parenting thing.
  • Hubby is mourning his mum (I can't imagine how he must feel, it was bad enough for me with my parents being ill) and keeping his thoughts and feeling to himself as always. He hasn't made any progress on the kitchen, bathroom, or any other DIY (there has to be some consistency in our lives) but is also doing his best at the parenting thing.
So in a nutshell, that's us! We've been out and had some fun times too. We've baked. A lot. All that dieting and pretty dresses..... well I still have the dresses. They just don't fit any more. We've been to the cinema LOADS (because it's only £5 a ticket all this year!!!). And most of this is documented on my Instagram because posting a photo is a lot quicker than writing a blog post! (Cue back dated posts with Instagram pictures)

You'll be seeing more of me on here. For now at least. 

Facebook has changed it’s policy for posts to Facebook pages like mine. They are only showing posts to a few likers unless I pay to boost the views. Since I don't earn money from my blog (or at least not much, not even enough to buy one posh a coffee a week) I wont be doing that. The best way to make sure you will see my blog posts is to subscribe by email up there on the right. I usually only email once a week and include an invitation to my blog hop so you can share your posts too. 

 You can also go to my page, hover over the “liked” button and select get notifications. Then you will see my posts and status updates in your notifications. Mumma Walker on Facebook


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