Wow - has it really been this long since I posted???? Well, stuff's been going on, so I suppose I have been a wee bit busy to make posts... It was my birthday on the 26th, I turned the ripe old age of 25 - a whole quater century! And naturally, I had to go out and get trollied. So I DID! It goes at follows: Mum and John came over to see me and Yorkie and take us for lunch. I only get an hour for lunch (usually plenty of time) but when I arrived back in the office 2 and a half hours later.... well, let's say I didn't get much work done that day. Got some nice stuff off them, Mum had already sent me £1000 (combi bday / xmas), John gave me £40 and a HUGE box o thorntons chocs (yum yum yum). Back in the office, Andrea gave me a new Dean Koontz book (HOORAY!), and Lynn gave me a box of knickers! Very nice too! Oh, yeah, Glenn's gift to me when down a storm - don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with it, in MY eyes! Alison on the other hand..... You see, on Wedne
Me, The Hubby and our Four Monsters! Sleepless nights, dirty nappies, tantrums, and tears. But also adventures, fun, laughter, and a whole lot of love! Not every day is easy, but every moment is precious. Welcome to My Life as Mumma Walker!